HR Analytics

Make decisions and develop strategies from HR data visualization

Finding information from mountains of data is not easy, but charts and graphs can make it easier to find information quickly and precisely.

Attendance and Working Hours

HR department can check employee attendance and average working hours, every day using real time data. All data can be used for employee performance evaluation and set strategy to improve them.

Headcount and Growth Employee Trend

This data will be used to see total employee in each department and help company to get competent employee as they needed.

Approve and Reject Leave Application from Dashboard

It’s a quick action! HR department can approve or reject all leave request. No need to open many pages, you’ll see in your dashboard.

PT Mitra Andalan Sistem
Komplek Permata
Jl. R. E. Martadinata No.28 Jakarta Utara 14420

(021) 6456633



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